Monday, June 27, 2011

Fill Valve Installation Instruction - Part 1/3

Fill Valve Installation
Fill Valve Installation - Part 1

1. Shut off water supply to tank. Flush tank and sponge out remaining water.
Remove old fill valve assembly, tank ball, and wire guide unit (or flapper), using
pliers if necessary.

2. If you have a Fluidmaster bowl cleaning system, carefully disconnect the
tube from the FILL VALVE. Do not disconnect the tube from the dispenser
(if you don’t have a cleaning system, continue to Step 3).

3. Disassemble small parts – LOCK NUT, SHANK WASHER and ANGLE
ADAPTER for VALVE installation (required); CONE WASHER and COUPLING
NUT for water supply connection (optional–see Step 8).

4. Carefully remove CONE WASHER from center of SHANK WASHER. Place
SHANK WASHER on THREADED SHANK of new VALVE. Place flat surface
against VALVE.

5. When installed, the CRITICAL LEVEL MARK on the FILL VALVE(identified
by a C.L. mark on the Fluidmaster FILL VALVE) should be at least 1"
above the top of the OVERFLOW PIPE. This is a plumbing code.

6. To adjust the height of the FILL VALVE, twist the THREADED SHANK in or out
of VALVE body. The height of the VALVE adjusts from 9 to 14 inches. On some
models, a clicking noise will be heard when adjusting the height. This is

7. Position VALVE inside tank. Push down on the VALVE SHANK (not the TOP)
while tightening LOCK NUT. Hand-tighten only. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN or
tank may crack. Make sure FLOAT CUP does not touch toilet tank walls, trip
mechanism or FLUSH VALVE.

8. Before continuing, determine the type of water supply connection you have
from the chart on the left and use the appropriate assembly parts required to
properly reconnect the water supply. DO NOT use plumber’s putty to seal
these fittings.

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